What are Black Lives Matter protests for? Justice, change and equality

8 June 2020, 14:21

BLM protests: Change, justice and equality are the reasons behind the protests. Picture: PA

George Floyd’s death was the shocking moment that caused BLM protests to happen across the world with change, justice and a new future all being the reason why people are protesting.

The Black Lives Matter movement has been propelled into the spotlight following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis by police officer Derek Chauvin.

Thousands have taken to the streets to protest for change and to bring the BLM movement to the front of people’s mind once more - not only for justice for George’s family but for many other reasons including change, education, and of most importantly, equality.

> Black Lives Matter protests: Dates, times and locations and everything you need to know

So what are the Black Lives Matter protests for? Here are just some of the reasons people are taking to the streets for BLM:

BLM protests are happening all across the world. Picture: PA


People who are taking to the streets want to make sure George Floyd’s family get the justice they deserve. They also want justice for all the other black families who have experienced the same heartbreak.

Derek Chauvin is currently charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter of George Floyd. The other three officers are charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter.


This isn’t the first time a case like this has happened and people want it to stop happening for good. There’s a call for police brutality to end and for the way the criminal and prison systems deal with the black community.

The Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013 following another criminal injustice. Picture: PA
BLM protests are looking for big changes for the black community. Picture: PA

Equal rights

It’s shocking they still don’t exist in 2020 but that’s a big driving force behind the BLM protests. It’s time for black lives to be equal and to no longer face the prejudices, battles and racism which have gone on for too long.


It’s been said before and we’re saying it again, it’s no longer enough to just not be racist, you have to be actively anti-racism.

BLM messages are being said loud and clear across the world. Picture: PA


For many, the BLM movement is a new thing when it actually began in 2013. The protests are helping encourage everyone to educate themselves on what’s really happening to the black community across the globe and how people are being treated.

It's also a chance to look at schools and how black history is taught and explained, ensuring children grow up with the correct understanding.

These are the basic reasons behind the BLM protests happening across the globe now. You can do your bit by donating, educating yourself and your family and signing important petitions.